Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What's In This Page...

Hi Everyone! I have been starting to make my blogsite wider and trying to be riskier specially in sharing what has been playing in my coconut shell. I hope I can find some of those articles or stories I've written when I was in grade school and share it with everyone. I think I might come too weird for you as I have written stuff that most of my friends said were unbearably not of my age yet finding those manuscripts will be very hard. I'm still trying and clinging to the hopes of finding them if not then recreate them. I wish I can reanimate them for you so it's more like watching a movie or an anime. <hehehe>

Just my two cents: I know writing could sometimes affect someone else's life but I'm hoping that reading my stories will just be for fun and if they will help in your daily life stories then I think it will be my pleasure of making you deal with life by these stories. I'm a writer and what I skill I can offer are skills that I hope will make a worthy stories to make my readers entertained and hopefully you can pick good values and the likes. I'm actually thankful to the birth of social networking as I am able to share what they so called talent to anybody. I know there have been pros and cons about social networking but I wish mine can be more of those affecting the good cause. I just don't know if my travel blog can't have any negative effects as I write only those that I experienced. <I comment negatively if I experienced negatively. Experiences may vary dependent on what a person likes or wants is and their outlook too.

Hence, I have started introducing you to this new page which I've titled Story Telling With Yu, where you will be reading stories about love, horror, mysteries, crazy ideas, books I've read, stories I want to share, and the likes; I hope you will enjoy reading them and comments are openly accepted. Be advised that this is not some kind of create your own story site which you as the reader decide what will happen to the story but I hoping I can do such. It will be a very tedious but I'm willing to accommodate and bringing this up is actually me thinking about this kind of story writing. 

Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

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